Collective and Free Tekno Soundsystem since 2013
Münster/Leipzig/Cologne, Germany
collaborating with Dionysys Soundsystem, Enschede, Nederlands
——————————> Teknotonne on Facebook
——————> #Teknotonne
———————> Teknotonne vids by Christian Benecke
Platform for Sound
Project management and curation
wirh Laila Orth and Christopher Bohlen
LOCATION is a place for experimental Sound, Text and Musik. This Platform opens up a dialogue on and through the medium of sound. Various artist have been invited showing audio work. LOCATION has taken place for three days @ RUNDGANG 2018, Kunstakademie Münster, Germany
Line Up:
Annika Janßen / Theresa Hahner / Jiyeon Kang / Peter Karpinski / Miefquirl / PALMMakusis-KlangKunstRadio / EmU_sIK, Kunstklang / Miriam Berger / Peter Schubrutzki / Kai Niggemann / Die Wolke / Anaconda Lipstick Club & Friends [Mühle] / Jan Krühler [Dionysys, The Loch] / Sensei Damage [Teknotonne, Dionysys] / Chebedajha [Dionysys, The Loch] / Plattenzirkel / Max & Mo Ritz [Stuhrwerk] / Bad Character Soundsystem / Daphne Klein / .Toni.Falke x .Michigan.MacFury / Multishop / Helene Ficker [Teknotonne] / Munk Engelund / Mila Stoytcheva [Stuhrwerk] / Gönn Baby & Friends [Mühle] / Roman Podeszwa / IZDW [Mühle]
Flyer 1 Flyer 2 by Magdalena Kreinecker